Alan Dubovsky, BBA, Director, Customer and Physician Engagement at The Emory Clinic

Alan Dubovsky, BBA

Director, Customer and Physician Engagement
The Emory Clinic

Check out the incredible speaker line-up to see who will be joining Alan.

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Day Three: Patient Experience Design & Innovation

Saturday, April 12th, 2014

12:05 PX Leaders Interactive Roundtable Discussions

Table 1: Promoting Health Literacy At Your Organization
Moderator: Megan Pry, Director, Patient Experience, Medical Center Health System

Table 2: Steps For Clearly Defining And Rolling Out Rounding Practices
Moderator: Roseanna Ryan, Director of Patient Advocacy, Language Assistance Services, Patient & Family Centered Care, Stony Brook Medicine

Table 3: Social Media And The Patient Experience
Moderator: Heather Gjerde, Social Media Specialist, Scripps Health

Table 4: Melding Quality, Safety And The Patient Experience
Moderator: Nancy Feola, Patient Experience Service Coach, St. Mary's Hospital

Table 5: The Ideal Ambulatory Experience
Moderator: Alan Dubovsky, BBA, Director Customer and Physician Engagement, The Emory Clinic

Table 6: Leadership Rounding Best Practices
Moderator: Doris Lopez, VP Patient Experience, Interfaith Medical Center

Table 7: People Strategies to Enhance Patient Experience (Current and Ideal State)

Moderator: Susan Hirt, PhD, Director of Education, Talent Plus

Table 8: Sustaining Your Patient Experience Strategy for The Long Term

Table 9: Providers Patients: Delivering Shared Decision Making Support

Table 10: Applying Human Centered Design
Principles To The Patient Experience

If you are interested in hosting a roundtable, contact

14:30 Presentation: The Ideal Ambulatory Experience

As the ambulatory patient experience continues to change, the need for new and innovative ideas to improve patient satisfaction has become imperative. Across the last 24 months, Emory Clinic has put into place an accelerated action plan to improve the patient experience, by focusing on three key goals: 1) Reshape the Service team that works with our physicians, staff, and patients. 2) Completely overhaul all Service programs (from trainings to Huddles) to emphasize the new Service approach. 3) Create a unique Patient Satisfaction Acceleration Team, using process improvement methodology to drive quick and long-lasting improvements to patient satisfaction. As the last 24 months have unfolded, we have found ourselves with our highest patient satisfaction scores ever, along with significant improvements in physician
and employee engagement in Service.

Learning Objectives:

• Learn how to best structure a service team in the
ambulatory environment
• Learn how to use patient feedback to drive culture
• Learn how to accelerate service improvements